May 1, 2014 โ€“ Master Chemical


Job1USA Honors Veterans at Master Chemical Corporation

Left to Right, Jared Slicker, Jay Driftmyer, Emily Mersereau, Richard Amos, and Bruce Rumpf

On April 10th 2014 Job1USA honored Richard Amos, a US Navy Veteran, and Jared Slicker, a US Army Veteran, with the Job1USA Veterans Honor Coin. The Job1USA Veterans Honor Coin was developed by Dan Stanton and Bruce Rumpf to recognize veterans, and those who service Veterans. In the tradition of the military challenge coin, the Honor Coin is given for a job well done and as a sign of appreciation from the Job1USA Veterans Division. Jared and Richard both worked at Master Chemical Corporation in Perrysburg while on assignment from the Job1USA Veterans Division, both were hired into the Master Chemical family on May 1st.